For the Past& Upcoming performances Please click the link below
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Sebastian Müller (acoustic/electric steel guitar)
Patric Arp (ukulele, acoustic guitar)
Taylor savvy ( acoustic guitar, bass)
Yuko Matsuyama ( vocal)
Maikai No Kauai
Hula Hut & the Seven Seas Christmas Edition
Hula Hut & The Seven Seas with Frank Fairfield
Aloha! Hula Hut & The Seven Seas zaubern Sonne ins Herz und ein Lächeln auf die Lippen!
Im traditionellen Setup der 1920/30er (Steel Guitar, Guitar, Ukulele) spielen Hula Hut längst vergessene Hits aus der Blütezeit der Hawaiianischen Musik. Mit abwechslungsreichen Repertoire spannt die Band den Bogen von mitreissenden Instrumental-Klassikern bis hin zu atemberaubend schönen Vokalnummern, die von Yuko Matsuyama im Stile der großen Hawaiianischen Gesangskünstler vorgetragen werden. Let the sunshine in!
english info Hula Hut and the Seven Seas
Hula Hut and the Seven Seas plays Hawaiian music for parties, events and private gatherings. We are unique as a trio performing traditional music from the 1920-30s with a focus on the long-lost sounds of the great steel guitar groups, with selections of classics as originally recorded by Sol Hoopii, King Benny Nawahi, Jim and Bob (The Genial Hawaiians) and many others.
The group has been performing throughout Berlin since 2011, and consists of Sebastian Müller (acoustic/electric steel guitar), Patrick Arp (ukelele, acoustic guitar) and Taylor Savvy (acoustic guitar, bass). Our most recent member Yuko Matsuyama sings and dances in the unique ha’i style of the times.
Our most recent long-term engagement was in Rouen, France taking part in the Last Chance Cabaret at the 106 venue during Armada June 2013, collaborating with Adam Traynor (stage/film director of “Ivory Tower”), Frank Fairfield (old timey 78 guru and musician), Louise Deville (acrobat/dancer), Rodolphe Berger (French indie music legend), Phillipe Beau (shadow puppeteer/magician from Robert LePage’s latest), Chilly Gonzales (pianist/entertainer), and others during the residency. Since then we have performed for Berlin Music Week festivites, opened for Septembers’ Farewell Bonaparte party, and the opening night party in Direktorenhaus for Illustrative ’13.
As musicians, we have naturally played various other forms of music, yet have formed this project to accomodate learning the Hawaiian repertoire as fans of the music. Sebastian toured and recorded as part of Terranova and Lotterboys (club/remix/dancefloor sensations) and continues mixing musical projects for Peaches (electro queen), JC Beck (Hollywood film composer), and Jamie Lidell. Patrick has long been involved in the Berlin indie music scene, touring the globe on keyboards and guitar with Barbara Morgenstern. Taylor Savvy continues making music with Bonaparte (Swiss shock pop) and has recorded/toured with various bands including Iggy Pop, Jamie Lidell, Feist, Stereo Totale, and Gonzales. Together, we three have a confidence and respect for Hawaiian sounds, and as Berliners, enjoy the healing properties of the music as an elixir for modern city life. More sunshine, please!
Hula Hut can be currently enjoyed in 2 formats: as a centerpiece act (with video installation, story-telling segments, special guests i.e.singing and hula dancing) to compliment any party or festive occassion, or as background accompaniment to any social gathering (soothing live music with a unique sound).
Hula Hut and the Seven Seas may also be hired for event organising and theatre engagements. We enjoy collaboration, and look forward to replicating island sounds from the 1920s into a joyful 2013 context. Let’s work together to bring more sunshine!