Tag: Pilates


Current Information | Studio Drop-In course (in English)


Tanzfabrik | Monday 9:30 (90min.)

Level II – Pilates with Theraband and/or Small-ball

Marameo berlin | Saturday 10:45 (75min.)

Level III – conditioning with strength&flexibility exercises for dance/yoga/pilates fans.

Thank you so much for joining the YogaDelta,
the studio got the final day on the 27.May.
We’ll keep the final classes available online, please visit on the schedule! 

ONLINE from Videothek  // Re-live
YogaDelta | Monday 20:15 (60min.)
Level I-II – basic flexibility and strength exercises 
YogaDelta | Friday 8:30 (60min.)
Level II – strength and hip-opening exercises

Summer Pilates – August-September2015

Dear Pilates Friends,

I hope you enjoy Summer.
This week & next week, I’m taking summer off, taking german course 🙂

Tanzprobebühne Marameo Berlin @ Small Studio
August Friday 10:00 – 11:15
14,  21, 28 August.
Trial lesson: 6€, Single class: 7€
!! Schedule will change from September  !!
September Saturday 9:30 – 11:00
5, 12, 19, 26 September
Address : Wallstr.32 10179 Berlin
* Doorway on Neue Roßstr.
LINK: http://www.marameo.de

Tanzfabrik Berlin @Studio 2
!! No Monday course from September  !!
Thursday 20:15 – 21:45
Address : Möckernstr. 68, 10965 Berlin
LINK : tanzfabrik-berlin.de
TU-sports Berlin (need sign-up by web site)
It’s nice studio inside of the Technic University Berlin/Ernst Reuter Platz.
Monday 31.08.- 05.10.
A2 17:00 – 18:15
A1 18:15 – 19:30

Mat Pilates Feb-Mar -University Sports Holiday Course-


What? : Mat Pilates, 75min
When? : 12.Feb – 23.March
Which Level?: Beginner+ & Lower Intermediate
(however, not much difference A1 and A2..)
Monday 17:00 – 18:15 A2(Lower intermediate)
Monday 18:15 – 19:30  A1(Beginner +)
Where? : My courses are hold at TU Berlin’s main building / Straße des 17. Juni 135. U2 Ernst-Reuter-Platz / S-Tiergarten
The room 4032 is nice and has changing room, shower, toilet, also there are enough Yoga Mat.
How much? : Depends on if you are student, employ of uni, alumnus, or extramural.  There are many other course, holiday season will be less Uni-studints and if you live in Charlottenburg erea. Check it out by link!
* It’s a group curse max 20 people around and Not recommend to the people with post operation, serious problem, and post+pre natal.

LINK TO PILATES TU Holiday course 2015
