Direction of movement: improvisation and context II

Those questions have arisen in proceedings in September:
– At an improvisation in context of the void spaces connected to the German culture of remembrance, can words be an anchor for the improvisation?
– What is the necessary agreement or choreographic direction use words & text in the improvisation?
– What is the role of the words and text in the improvisation?
The first weekend in October, I rent the gallery Neurotitan from Haus Schwarzenberg.
The third day on Sunday, I invited my mentor and other artists to go further research of the above.
Date :  3.Oct.2021
at: Neurotitan Gallery
Joshua Tennent : sound improvisation
Carlos Osatinsky : movement Improvisation
Fernando Pelliccioli : movement Improvisation
Boris von Poser : mentoring and Improvisation with pre-wrote text
Procedure :
a, Body work initiated by Carlos and Fernando
b, continued to View-Point based exercise
c, when our perception in the room opened and the chemistry between us got in flow,
Boris took over the situation started giving us the text he previously prepared for the day.
d, pose and discussion
e, from then, we tried various different settings of improvisations and discussed together.
Results :
The words and text is definitively work as an anchor for the improvisation.
The more performer grasp the meaning and the rhythm of the words/text, the more intuitive moments happens without but imitation the meaning.
The necessary agreement and choreographic direction depends on the individual group dynamics.
*group dynamics = system of behaviours and psychological processes occurring within a social group (wikipedia)
There was an another important question “why we need to dance?”.
I believe, as same as an experience at an historical place effects our memory, there are memories and thought we could only able to touch through our physical movements.
So for me it is very important to bring us in flow of movement (and sound) during the improvisation.
For the third question; what is the role of the words and text in the improvisation?

Every words have the rhythms itself, as a foreigner facing to the languages not my mother tongue every day, I became to listen more carefully the rhythms and tonalities of words and sentences.
Since any foreign language forced us to have more efforts for communication, it reminds me of the Japanese old belief Kototama.
In Japanese cultural belief KOTOTAMA, we believe the power of the words.
In the belief, when words are sent out, even without knowing the meaning of the words, one’s environment and personal circumstances could be influenced by the words.
Use Kototama for improvisation is far esoteric and not my purpose.
This collaboration research but confirmed me of the strong influence of words’ not only the meanings but also the rhythms and tonalities.
I’d like to take time with my mentor Boris to discus about the rhythm, tonality and meaning of words and sentences.

Photos: ©Henryk Weiffenbach