10. + 11. June .2017 at UFERSTUDIOS Berlin St.14
音楽は、2013年からハワイアンバンドで一緒に活動しているTaylor Savvy、照明は前年に引き続きCatalina Fernandez、映像は以前から気になっていたSafy Etiel、そしてダンスは、長年コラボレーションを続けているカルロス・オサティンスキーとフェルナンド・ペリッチオリに踊ってもらいました。
SPUR[¨EN] – Between Dark and Light | Trailer from Yuko Matsuyama on Vimeo.
-Official Text-
From which side of the black-white spectrum does one prefer — to view things from the blight or the dark side?
This dance performance aims to research the subjectivity of color perception. We find distance within and empathy through each other. 100 years after Goethe wrote “Farbenlehre – Theory of Colours” underneath sun, moon, star, and candle light, Japanese author Tanizaki wrote “In Praise of Shadows” under electric light. Currently technologies are greatly expanded since then, but has the technological developments improve our color identification? It is possible to create movement and sound with this perception? I have set the colors as a scenario and let the choreographer and musicians create movement and sound inside the colored-light, inspired by Goethe’s research, all of which was written under candle light.
Carlos Osatinsky & Fernando N. Pelliccioli : Choreography and Dance
Taylor Savvy : Music
Catalina Fernández : Lichting designe
Safy Etiel : Visual Design counseling and Performance
Silvia Albarella : Stage design and costume counseling
Andrea Salustri : Choreographic assistant
Yuko Matsuyama : Concept, choreography and music